About Welcome to SLR GREENTECH

SLR GreenTech Company set up with a super facility plant tissue culture R&D lab at Lingadheera Golahalli, Kundhana, Devanahalli, Bangalore Rural, Karnataka, India.


SLR GREENTECH. is a grounded and profoundly experienced Indian plant tissue culture organization. The information and experience accomplished permit us to give the producers top-quality different plants. The organization has a high-level tissue culture research facility and a broad and current nursery. The offices are situated in Lingadheera Gollahalli, Kundana Hobli, Taluk, Devanahalli, Bangalore Rural, Karnataka, India.

SLR GREENTECH possesses one-of-a-kind expert information in this particular field, empowering it to give entirely dependable and stable creation.

We target giving clients all around the world the most recent agri-biotechnology items just as information to build the usefulness and pay.

SLR GreenTech has an enormous miniature proliferation office to attempt contract miniature spread and conveys plants inside a satisfactory time period and at the most aggressive rates. We keep up with tough quality principles to guarantee the most reduced degree of dismissal. We guarantee the most elevated secrecy.

Our recipients and purchasers have a place with all classifications of end-clients for example ranchers, agreeable social orders, nurseries, and tissue culture labs, specialists, institutional purchasers, farming colleges, and the Government. Consistently, the region in our state with our planting materials either as the tissue culture plants or seedling plugs is expanding by however much 30% which is a tribute of our quality as well as the after-deal benefits that we offer to our customers.

The primary target of SLR Greentech is for the spread of a huge amount of good quality planting material from world-class mother plants inside a brief time frame, space with a base expense for each plant, and Propagation of planting material of vegetables, natural products, blossoms, therapeutic plants, decorative plants, and tree plants.

We empower current strategies, Advanced reaping framework innovations, high return tissue culture seeds, and optimal composts. We have a group of specialists and researchers with more than 15 to 20 years of involvement with the field of Commercial Tissue Culture projects, water system frameworks, land and soil tests and examination, composts, and pesticide ideas. We elevate between editing to augment benefits alongside business projects. We assist the rancher with Modern strategies, Financial Strength, by giving them the expert assistance they need. We run after creating Agriculture to contribute GDP. We safeguard using progressed estate methods.

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The Openfield Timeline


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Group Cereals and Lingrain Merge

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Aquired Countrywide Farmers

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Few of our Partners
